Wednesday, July 3, 2019

TensorFlow Lite Ported to Arduino @HacksterIO by @aallan @TensorFlow @arduino #MachineLearning #EdgeComputing #Arduino #IoT

TensorFlow Lite Ported to Arduino – Hackster Blog (video) –

TensorFlow Lite for Micro-controllers is a massively streamlined version of TensorFlow. Designed to be portable to “bare metal” systems, it doesn’t need either standard C libraries, or dynamic memory allocation. The core runtime fits in just 16KB on a Cortex-M3, and with enough operators to run a speech keyword detection model, takes up a total of 22KB.

It was really only a matter of time someone picked up the TensorFlow demoand ported it, along with TensorFlow Lite for Micro-controllers to the Arduino development environment. Turns out it’s Adafruit that got there first.


Read more, and check out Alasdair’s posts which have excellent coverage on what’s happening in machine learning and more (Twitter).

Code & docker here


  • Beyond the Beyond – WIRED.
  • Make: a machine-learning toy on open-source hardware – BoingBoing.

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