Friday, February 11, 2022

Interface a Game Boy LCD with Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Retro mobile is all the rage. Well, here’s a project that will allow you to interface a Game Boy LCD with a Raspberry Pi. You’ll eb able to capture gameplay or run RetroPie on an actual factual Game Boy Screen. Here’s more from hackaday:

With the ESP32 wired between the handheld’s LCD and main PCB, the microcontroller can also act as a capture device using I2S camera mode. Compared to what ends up showing on the handheld’s LCD, the recorded gameplay [kgsws] shows off looks fantastic. Visuals are crisp and fluid, and naturally devoid of the Game Boy’s iconic (if slightly nauseating) greenish tint.

See project!

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