Sunday, February 27, 2022

🥧🎂🥧🎂Raspberry Pi Turns 10!! Happy Birthday!! #RaspberryPi @Raspberry_Pi🥧🎂🥧🎂

Adafruit raspberry 10th birthday blog

The little board that could has come a long way over the past decade. Staying true to its origins as an inexpensive device for teaching computer science, the Pi has evolved into a capable computer loved by hobbyist, makers and educators.

Every iteration brings more to the table. From the radically affordable Pi Zeros to the fully kitted Raspberry Pi 400, there is something for everyone.

Happy 10th Birthday Raspberry Pi! We can’t wait to see what the next decade brings!!

You can check back with the Adafruit blog later today where we will be sharing some of our favorite Raspberry Pi blog posts and Learn Guides from throughout the year!

Supply chain issues are still a factor but check out Raspberry Pi in the store and our Shopping Guide!

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