Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Oil Paintings with Surreal Sci Fi Touches From Paco Pomet #ArtTuesday

It’s that thing where you’re in a fine art museum, and you’re looking at an unutterably lovely oil painting, and you think, sure, but what if it had light sabers? That is not a complete summation of the work of Paco Pomet, but it’s a piece of it. Here’s more from This is Colossal:

Succeeding his series of paintings titled Beginnings, Paco Pomet’s Endings applies a similarly satirical veil to his provocative and outlandish scenarios: a cleaved camper reveals red steak marbled with fat, businessmen shake hands through an elongated finger trap, and a woman walks a hand-standing friend on a leash…. He shares in an interview:

I am very interested in current affairs, but in order to fully understand today’s world, it is necessary to look back and examine historical events. The past is full of hints that can unveil the present, so in some ways, we could paraphrase that statement which says that there’s nothing new under the sun. I have always thought that subjects and themes remain the same over centuries, and that human pursuits, aspirations, and chimeras are cyclical. Nowadays, we might have different tools and ways of approaching those issues, but the important questions remain the same, even though the way they show up changes throughout the years.

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