Friday, June 2, 2023

Young People’s Programs Ran in Space for Astro Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Thousands of teams of young people from all across Europe got to have their own programs run on board the International Space Station. It’s called the Astro Pi Challenge, and it provides opportunities for young people to have get their ideas in space! Here’s more from the Pi Foundation:

Mission Zero is the Astro Pi beginners’ activity. To take part, young people spend an hour writing a short Python program for the Astro Pi computers on the International Space Station (ISS). This year we invited them to create an 8×8 pixel image or animation on the theme of fauna and flora, which their program showed on an Astro Pi LED matrix display for 30 seconds.

This year, 23605 young people’s Mission Zero programs ran on the ISS. We need to check all the programs before we can send them to space and that means we got to see all the images and animations that the young people created. Their creativity was absolutely incredible!

See and learn more!

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