Friday, July 21, 2023

Pwnagotchi Tutorial #piday #raspberrypi

In order to get more experience with cyber security the YouTube channel cyberspacemanmike builds a Pwnagotchi. Parts 1 and 2 go through the hardware and software. Pwnagotchi is a portmanteau of PWN and the 90’s toy Tomogotchi. The device uses AI to gather nearby hackable wifi data. It can also communicate, and conspire, with other nearby Pwnagotchis.

See more!

and post on how the Pwnagotchi got started

3055 06Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

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