Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Skewing American Mythology with Hugh Hayden #ArtTuesday

Hugh Hayden’s work looks at American mythology from a new perspective. “Huff and Puff,” above, is a slanted replica of Henry David Thoreau’s home in Walden Pond, recalling digitally skewed work, Here’s more from COLOSSAL:

Permanently installed at deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln, Massachusettes, the small wooden cabin is a replica of Henry David Thoreau’s home at Walden Pond. Slanted a surreal 20 degrees, the building skews what’s typically thought of as a birthplace of American self-reliance, environmental consciousness, and capitalist critique.

“‘Huff and A Puff’ is about perspective, not only in terms of its physical experience but also conceptually, given that for some people, the world is not so easy to live in,” the artist says. Given its angled construction, the cabin would be uncomfortable, if not impossible, to occupy without bending or contorting one’s body to fit.

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