Friday, September 30, 2016

How to Connect an Analog Joystick to Raspberry Pi and Simulate a Color Wheel #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi



One of the coolest things about the Raspberry Pi is its GPIO pins. They’re just sitting there, waiting to be connected to all kinds of useful peripherals so your Pi can interact with the world around it.

Power an LED to signal the user. Place a button in the path of a circuit and detect when a user presses it. Attach sensors to read temperature and humidity, and plug other cards like the Sense HAT over top of the pins.

A few months ago, I got a set of 37 sensor modules on Amazon. I knew they wouldn’t directly interface with the Pi, but that it was entirely possible to do it, so I put them aside for later.

Well, I finally decided to pull one out, and thought the mini-joystick might offer some interesting… opportunities. 🙂

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