Thursday, October 27, 2016

Jubilee and Beast Go Beauty and the Beast in These Costumes


As far as I’m concerned, there aren’t enough Jubilee and Beast costumes in the world. ThriftCh0p, an artist and maker based in Ottawa, and his partner might agree with me because they recently dressed as the X-Men duo with a twist. They combined Jubilee and Beast with Beauty and the Beast. Jubilee is Ju(Belle)ee and Beast is still, well, Beast. Jubilee’s signature yellow coat pairs nicely with Belle’s yellow ball gown, and Beast gets to keep his blue hue to go with the other Beast’s blue dress jacket. You can see a couple of making of pics of the creative cosplay below.



See more from ThriftCh∅p on Facebook.

via The RPF Facebook page, top photo by Open Shutter Photography

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