Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Fallout Vault Dweller Cosplay


Lucii Cosplay recently worked on her first build with guns and armor and shared the results on Reddit. She made a Fallout Vault Dweller costume. She started with an off the rack mechanic’s jumpsuit and modified it to make it fit the post-apocalyptic aesthetic of the game. She said she learned a lot about weathering with this costume, and that aging all the props and accessories was her favorite part of the construction process.

Lucii used different techniques for the costume. She went high tech and 3D printed the Pip-Boy and printed and dyed it (she used her phone for the screen). And on the other end of the spectrum, she started with a paper pattern for the gun and made it from pink insulation foam — you can see a photo just below.


Check out more cosplay by Lucii at Instagram.

via Reddit, top photo by Thanior Pictures

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