Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Adafruit @ #PyCon2017 Photos

PyCon does a great job preserving all of the great talks that happen there for YouTube. In subsequent posts I’ll highlight a few of my favorites. For now though, lets talk about what happens when you are actually there. PyCon is more than just talks.

Once we were in town, we met up with existing Adafruit friends like Nicholas, Carol and Radomir. It was great to finally meet people we had only talked with through email and chat. We also hosted two open spaces, which are freely available spaces anyone can use to organize an impromptu meet up. Many people stopped by to browse all of the Adafruit boards and try CircuitPython. These led to more chats about Python and hardware in education and the things we could do together. We can’t wait to see what comes of it.

Check out our Flickr album for more pics and links to talks.

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