Monday, May 1, 2017

Adding a Dash of VR to Class Is Possible with a Limited Budget #MakerEducation

Wavebreakmedia VRonabudget

Via EdTech Magazine.

Immersive virtual reality experiences offer powerful ways to engage students and create new learning opportunities in the classroom. As the technology and awareness about using VR in education continue to mature, so do the options available for teachers.

Google Expeditions remains one of the most well-known options for teachers to consider. With the Expeditions app, teachers can take students on “virtual reality field trips” visiting far-away museums and exploring ancient ruins or natural wonders like Mount Everest. 

Teachers can put together their own kids using less expensive cardboard viewers that cost $7-$10 each, as well as a tablet as a teacher device and, for the students, VR smartphone apps that can run on school Wi-Fi. Most smartphones purchased in the last three years will run VR apps and work with mobile VR headsets. Schools may also consider purchasing a set of Android phones or find a sponsor that may be able to donate new or refurbished devices for an initial VR project.

Read more.

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