Monday, May 1, 2017

Lane of Things “Classroom Theory” #MakerEducation

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Awesome build + write-up from Team 704 (Sergio Cuenca, Lazar Gueorguiev, and Anthony Keung) up on

Our group is trying to collect data on how long students are gone from class and for what reasons. The classroom that we deployed our box in hosts three different classes: AP Physics A, Honors Robotics 1, and Honors Robotics 2. We thought it would be interesting to see if there was a correlation between the perceived difficulty of the class, how often students leave the classroom, and how long they’re gone for.

During our brainstorming session, we figured that the four reasons students most often leave class for are: to go to the bathroom, get water, get something from their locker, or go on an errand for a teacher. From this point, we decided we would make a box that had a switch for each of those reasons. If a student were to leave the class, they would press the switch on, and when they came back they would turn it off. The photon would keep track of which switch they pressed, so that we know why they were gone, and we would know how long they’re gone for.

Read more.

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