Thursday, June 29, 2017

Running an being a good cause and doing good business @XRDS_acm @adafruit

Crossroadsxrds2017Summer-Dl-Adafruit Page 01


XRDS Crossroads – The ACM Magazine for Student (ACM – Association for Computing Machinery).

“The summer issue of XRDS takes a candid look at startups and entrepreneurship. Whether you’re just dipping your toe in the waters or you’re ready to dive in, we’ve assembled a selection of articles to explore the unlimited opportunities, the challenges, the heartbreaks, and the joys of tech entrepreneurship. This issue is strategically organized into three parts: an introduction to startups, open entrepreneurship, and personal perspectives. Understanding what it takes to being an entrepreneur is the first step. We’ve asked entrepreneurs who are at various points along their journey to share how to find collaborators, how to design a business for work-life balance, and how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. We also explore the landscape from traditional venture capital to alternative open source approaches for running a tech business. It is our hope that these stories will be the push you need to transform your great idea into something tangible.”

Running an being a good cause and doing good business
Hacker, maker, and engineer Limor “Ladyada” Fried shares her insights on open technologies and business models.
By Limor Fried

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