Monday, April 30, 2018

MusicTech Breaks Down 4 Classic Studio Sounds #MusicMonday


From MusicTech:

These days, it’s easier than ever to get your hands on the sought-after tools that were once beyond the realms of possibility for non-professional musicians to use. In this feature, our resident hitmaker Marc JB explores the most effective gear, in both software and hardware, to use for a wide range of genres and approaches – the same gear that was used to build the hits of yesteryear…

Get ready to dive deep into the world of legendary pro-studio gear and the modern emulation software that’s shaped the sound of many of the key genres in popular music. In this feature, we’re essentially going to show you how to recreate various ‘sonic signatures’ from music history. Throughout the next few pages, we’re going to be exploring some key pieces of technology and highlight just what they do, how they have been
and indeed still are being used – and how you can now use them yourself in software form to get that genre-specific hit sound for your own productions, more conveniently and at a fraction of the cost.

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