Tuesday, August 28, 2018

RadiaLumia is a Five-Storey Tall ‘Spiky Dandelion Puff’ at That Thing in the Desert | #podcast #burningman #ArtTuesday

Kudos to KQED for their podcast and feature of the RadiaLumia project by Foldhaus arts collective – currently on view on the playa for Burning Man. Looking forward to eventually seeing video of this giant LED flower in action – once people start returning to ‘civilization’ and uploading video that is.

Imagine a spiky dandelion puff that’s illuminated from within by an LED light show at night and you have RadiaLumia, a five story-tall geodesic sphere, covered with giant radiant spikes and 42 sensor-driven origami shells that open and close.

Oh that’s right: you don’t have to imagine. You can see it right there. But those panels that look like flowers move. You can see one here:

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