Monday, November 4, 2019

Soundscape Listening Room: A live stream and a library of sounds, both recorded using a hydrophone

Intriguing project from MBARI (The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute).. The sounds are gorgeous.

In the Soundscape Listening Room you can access a live stream and a library of sounds, both recorded using a hydrophone (underwater microphone) off central California. These recordings are part of a research and education project that employs a deep-sea cabled observatory to continuously record sounds within and outside the range of human hearing. These sounds fall into three categories: biophony (sounds of marine life), geophony (sounds of the earth), and anthrophony (sounds of human activities).

Live Stream

The live audio stream has been amplified so that you can hear it through your speakers, but you may still need to turn up your volume to hear the many subtle sounds. The very low pitch of some baleen whale vocalizations can only be heard with appropriate speakers (subwoofer or high-quality headphones).

Read more.

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