Saturday, May 30, 2020

What makes organizing fun in video games? #Gamify #Psychology

I know I’ve done a task in a video game that IRL i was putting off. Interesting peice from Polygon on organizing in video games:

Tetris is far from the only puzzle game, let alone video game, to make organizing a central part of the experience. Video games are constantly giving us stuff to categorize, sort, and arrange. In real life, many of us consider these tasks a chore, but video games have the power to make even the messiest of us into virtual Marie Kondo’s. Whether it’s sorting our attache case’s in Resident Evil 4 or arranging our day in Stardew Valley, organizing in video games is a rewarding and even pleasurable mechanic. But it wasn’t until I played Wilmot’s Warehouse, a game entirely focused on organizing, that I decided to dive deeper into what makes this chore so much fun in video games.

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