Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Clint McKay and Sherrie Smith-Ferri on Pomo Basketmaking

Clint McKay and Sherrie Smith-Ferri discuss the importance of the baskets on view in the exhibition Jules Tavernier and the Elem Pomo.

via The Met

Clint McKay (Dry Creek Pomo/Wappo/Wintun), basket weaver
Sherrie Smith-Ferri (Dry Creek Pomo/Bodega Miwok), art historian and curator
Shannon Vittoria, Senior Research Associate for American Painting and Sculpture, The Met

Learn about the significance of historical and contemporary baskets on view in the exhibition Jules Tavernier and the Elem Pomo. Explore weaving techniques, processes, and materials, and reflect on the history and ongoing significance of Pomo basketmaking.

Read more.

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