Friday, February 11, 2022

DIY Automated Reader With Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Here’s a great project from a father looking for a new way to read to his kids. Here’s more from The Amateur Engineer:

Can I build a reading device that does what I thought the Luka does? Can I put together a Raspberry Pi OCR + text-to-speech device that can take images of a page and read it back? You betcha.

To begin with, I should mention that I have a whole bunch of Raspberry Pis lying around, and I also bought something like 10–20 microSD cards just for projects like these — each project gets its own SD card because I often just copy the instructions from the internet, making tweaks along the way to get things to work. As a result, it often happens that I don’t want to risk changing any installed bits that can break other projects. It’s pretty primitive, I know, but this is a hobby it’s supposed to be fun! Anyway, I picked a Pi 2 for this project (big mistake, as you’ll soon see). I installed Raspbian Stretch (omg I know it’s so old!) on a 32GB SD card for this project.

See project!

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