Wednesday, May 17, 2023

11,000 Square Mile Land Art on the Theme of Sustainable Energy

Occupying over 11.520 acres of land in the Ibri desert, “Towards Good Ideas?” by the artist Saype brings awareness to sustainability. Here’s more from COLOSSAL:

Best viewed aerially, the piece took about one year of planning and five days to execute. Saype shares that given the increasingly urgent calls to divest in fossil fuels and find alternatives, he wanted to highlight one area offering a potential solution. He said:

“Energy management is certainly one of the major challenges of our overaccelerating world…Being aware that the solution centers around a complex energy mix and in a form of sobriety, I chose to paint this child playing with the magic of solar energy. Looking towards the horizon, he symbolizes the renewal of a civilization that must now reinvent itself without destroying the planet.”

See more!



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