Friday, February 23, 2024

5 Useful Raspberry Projects For Your Bedroom #PiDay #RaspberryPi @slashgear @Raspberry_Pi

With the Raspberry Pi’s versatility, it’s not surprising that the board has become a common sight in a diverse range of projects out there. You can find a slew of unusual Raspberry Pi projects in the wild, from piano stairs that musicalize your steps to bird repellants that keep those pesky birds away. This single-board computer is also a favorite in education settings as it’s an accessible tool for those learning to code, kids eager to experience hands-on electronics practice, and instructors teaching Linux and basic command-line skills.

Beyond quirky and educational purposes, the Raspberry Pi extends its footprint to household applications too. Some of the more notable ones include security cameras, smart doorbells, and kitchen displays. But the Pi’s capabilities aren’t just limited to the living room, front door, and kitchen. You can actually make a host of projects for your bedroom as well.

Slashgear lists five of the best ones to upgrade your bedroom with Pi. Read more here.

  • Home intercom (VoIP)
  • Smart mirror
  • Rain box (Python)
  • Alarm clock (MicroPython)
  • Sunrise lamp (NeoPixels)

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