Monday, February 26, 2024

Desk of Ladyada – Picowbell Party is Hoppin’ #DeskOfLadyada #Adafruit @Adafruit

This week we spent a lot of time getting a bunch of Picowbell designs done – including a camera cowbell that lets us share some of great camera-interfacing CircuitPython libraries and examples from the MEMENTO ESP32-S3 to the RP2040.

As we were working on that, we realized it would be handy to also have some ‘doubler‘ or ‘tripler’ plates that allow plugging in a Pico into one side and then one or two ‘cowbells on the other. This way we could have a camera bell and maybe a display bell. Or an Adalogger plus a set of sensors. We cloned over our prototyping Bell and removed/added extras to make for some luxurious work-boards!

Also on The Great Search this week: Simple Resistor-Set Lipoly Charger Chip

Catch Desk of Ladyada live on YouTube every week Sunday evenings and past episodes on YouTube.

See the video below:

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