Friday, July 12, 2024

Animated Movie Display with Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Maybe when you were a kid, you lived behind a movie theater. And maybe that movie theater threw away movie posters and cardboard uprights. And maybe you nabbed those posters and uprights and that was pretty great. How much greater to make your very own animated movie poster display? Here’s more from via instructables:

This display is powered by a Raspberry Pi, which plays MP4 videos created from animated movie poster GIF files. The posters will cycle through at a predetermined interval.

Additionally, I wanted the display to serve other purposes, so I set up a simple web server. This server allows you to select which items to display at any given time. While this Instructable will primarily focus on the movie poster display, I’ll also highlight how you can easily display other information on the dashboard.

See project!

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