Friday, July 19, 2024

Raspberry Pi and 3D printing brings faux TRS-80 to life #piday #raspberrypi

One of the Raspberry Pi’s great strengths is giving new life to retro-tech. Joe Pasqua on GitHub 3D-printed this FauxTRS powered with a Raspberry Pi running emulation. Not an exact clone of the TRS-80 Model III but heavily inspired.

The TRS-80 Micro Computer System was introduced in 1977 when Tandy launched it for sale in its Radio Shack stores. Initially, it used the popular Zilog Z80 processor, and several successors followed over the next few years. In 1983, the Model 4 got a faster Zilog Z80A CPU and a larger display.

See the full guide! More from Tom’s Hardware!

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