Sunday, November 27, 2016

Make and Play Match the Light #ArduinoMonday


From valin1984 on

Hello Arduino Community!

This is my very first project and after having read about all kinds of awesome, innovative, smart, crazy, serious and amazingly playful things all of you have come up with, I would very much love to share mine too.

I only have a very basic set of parts: an Arduino Uno with breadboard and cables, some LEDs, Resistors, a rotary potentiometer, a pushbutton, and a piezo (this I want to use later too). I wanted to make a little game out of those and had an idea I called “Match the Light”. Out of a line of 5 red LEDs, one is chosen and lit randomly and the player uses the rotary potentiometer to light up the matching green light. If it is the right match and a button is pressed, the game is won. The player can restart, by choosing the yellow restart LED that is next to the green ones.

I hope you enjoy my little project. I had lots of fun inventing and building it and it gave me great satisfaction to see it running eventually.

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