Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Drawing the Fragile Vulnerability of Transitioning Bodies #ArtTuesday


Roey Heifetz moved from Israel to Berlin as a young male artist in search of a future and returned five years later as a mature female artist. This transition in gender — but implicitly also in geography — is at the center of her exhibition, Victoria, curated by Timna Seligman. The show, currently on view at the Ticho House in Jerusalem as part of the Sixth Biennale for Drawing in Israel, is comprised of a series of 12 large drawings that enclose the small exhibition space on all sides.

Heifetz draws aging transgender people. Her portraits are affected and influenced by human figures she has met in Berlin as well as by her own, which is currently undergoing transformation. The figures are standing or lying down in stretched-out poses, reminiscent of dancers, and they look straight at the viewer. Sometimes their bodies bend, double, or swivel. Their hairstyles are blown out and meticulously finished, and in some drawings, they seem like genies let out of a bottle.

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