Thursday, May 25, 2017

“Travel Mode” is coming for everything soon … @1Password @pinboard

Travel Safe Compressed

Introducing Travel Mode: Protect your data when crossing borders – Agilebits:

Travel Mode is a new feature we’re making available to everyone with a 1Password membership. It protects your 1Password data from unwarranted searches when you travel. When you turn on Travel Mode, every vault will be removed from your devices except for the ones marked “safe for travel.” All it takes is a single click to travel with confidence.

Social Media Needs A Travel Mode – Maciej Ceglowski:

News reports tell us that Customs and Border Patrol has become more aggressive about checking social media accounts at the border. In doing this, the United States joins a growing list of countries that recognized the value of these accounts, and the unique data mining opportunity that a border crossing provides.

These searches don’t just involve agents skimming through your contact lists or photos—the border police can use software to rapidly dump the contents of your phone, and download your full history from every social media site you use.

via Waxy.

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