Thursday, May 25, 2017

U.S. top court tightens patent suit rules in blow to ‘patent trolls’ #makerbusiness

U.S. top court tightens patent suit rules in blow to ‘patent trolls’ | Reuters and PDF.

“The justices ruled 8-0 that patent suits can be filed only in courts located in the jurisdiction where the targeted company is incorporated.

The ruling is likely to lessen the steady flow of patent litigation filed in a single federal court district in rural East Texas because of its reputation for having rules and juries that favor plaintiffs bringing infringement suits.”

It’s cool that despite having a ‘split’ court, they decided *8 to 0* that suits should only be filed in the target jurisdiction. So it appears if someone wants to bring a patent suit, they need to come to where the targeted company is incorporated.

We asked a friendly lawyer what they thought of this decision, they say “This is good.”

In the video above, Ladyada asked for patent reform in a video with the President of the USA at the time “Ladyada Talks To President Obama About Patent Reform.

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