Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Barnes Group Advisors Highlights Influential Women in Additive Manufacturing


Yes! So great! We’re so happy to have come across this article from The Barnes Group Advisors:

A colleague and I caught up the other day, and the topic of conversation traveled to recent experiences she’d appreciated as a female in a male dominated workplace. Her insight proved great advice as to what men can do to support women in engineering roles. The bottom line: inclusiveness.

You never really know the impact you have on other people, especially in a world heavily influenced by social media. International Women’s Day came and went last week, and there were a few articles specific to women in 3D printing. Reading these articles motivated me. I think The Barnes Group Advisors should also recognize the impact of women in additive, and include them in our own industry update.

Below are women who have had an impact on the AM industry, or an impact on us at TBGA. We strive to be inclusive, and look forward to sharing more names of female AM rockstars on future lists later. We plan to keep the Women’s Day vibe going all year.

Read more and for even more lady rockstars don’t miss our Women’s History Month category.

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