Monday, April 9, 2018

17 Tips for Recording and Editing Audio with Audacity | via @buzzsprout

I think I first stumbled upon Audacity in 2001 – I can’t believe that was 17 years ago. That is to say Audacity is proof that even as open-source software if you keep developing you can survive through booms, busts, and industry shifts. I plug Audacity whenever I can – see here and here and here – and it’s one of the first pieces of software I install whenever I get a new computer. And while I’ve never podcasted, this tut from podcasting platform buzzsprout has a lot of great tips & screenshots about recording & editing with Audacity.

Check out the tips here.

Also pro-tip:

Now that you’ve learned the basics, get out there and start podcasting! Remember that while pro-quality sound is important, it’s the content of your podcast that is going to win you listeners.

Best of luck!

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