Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Amazon to close TenMarks online education service @tenmarks #makerbusiness


Amazon to close TenMarks online education service after 2018-19 school year – GeekWire.

Amazon will close its TenMarks online math and writing learning service after the 2018-2019 school year, the latest surprise twist in the tech giant’s foray into education technology.

The company broke the news in emails to customers this week and in a message on the TenMarks website. “We’re winding down,” the announcement reads. “TenMarks will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year. Licenses for TenMarks Math and Writing will be honored through June 30, 2019.”

An Amazon spokesperson told GeekWire via email, “After a thorough review of TenMarks, we’ve made the difficult decision to no longer offer this service after June 30, 2019.”

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