Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Radial Wire Organizers Designed with OpenJSCAD | #3Dprinting

Stumbled upon this 2016 post by using OpenJSCAD to create 3D-printed radial wire organizers using programmatic input:

For my first project using OpenJSCAD I wanted to create something that would organize all the wires in my house. I often use zip ties but my biggest issue with that method is that it’s time consuming and wasteful to temporarily remove one of the cords. My solution was to create a script that asks for an array of wire diameters and then computes a radial clip that holds the wires neatly away from each other. I like this project because I think it’s a great example of the power of both openJSCAD and 3d printers to create something that wouldn’t be possible to mass manufacture because of the different sizes and combinations of wires, necessary. It was also an interesting math problem, getting the clips holders to organize around a circle, point towards the center and move in or out depending on the size and number of the wire holders required the code to be very dynamic. Using an html5 canvas on JSfiddle to quickly plot things out was a big help. For instance, to get the C shaped clamp that holds wires, I need to plot points along the out edge in the right order. I ended up with a string of dots that allowed me to quickly visualize what I was coming up with.

Read more here.

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