Monday, August 20, 2018

CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi: UPDATED GUIDES for INA219, MAX31855, SHT31, SI7021, TMP007

That’s right! It’s CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi! Wire up your favorite sensors and use the same great CircuitPython code you’ve been using with microcontrollers right on your Raspberry Pi!

We’ve got tons of projects, libraries and example code for CircuitPython on microcontrollers, and thanks to the flexibility and power of Python its pretty easy to get it working with micro-computers like Raspberry Pi or other ‘Linux with GPIO pins available’ single board computers.

We’ve written a special library called Adafruit Blinka to provide the layer that translates the CircuitPython hardware API to whatever library the Linux board provides.

We’ve added all the libraries to PyPi so installation is super simple. We’ve updated the CircuitPython guides! They now have sections for wiring up the sensor to and installing the libraries on your Raspberry Pi. The CircuitPython code works exactly the same way it works on microcontrollers, so the code examples will work on your Raspberry Pi too!

We have over 80 guides to update, so watch for updates to the Adafruit Learning System in small batches. Here’s the next five:

Adafruit Si7021 Temperature + Humidity Sensor – It’s summer and you’re sweating and your hair’s all frizzy and all you really want to know is why the weatherman said this morning that today’s relative humidity would max out at a perfectly reasonable 42% when it feels more like 77%. Enter the Si7021 Temperature + Humidity Sensor – the best way to prove the weatherman wrong!

Adafruit SHT31-D Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout – Sensirion Temperature/Humidity sensors are some of the finest & highest-accuracy devices you can get. And, finally we have some that have a true I2C interface for easy reading. The SHT31-D sensor has an excellent ±2% relative humidity and ±0.3°C accuracy for most uses.

Adafruit INA219 Current Sensor Breakout – The INA219B breakout board will solve all your power-monitoring problems. Instead of struggling with two multimeters, you can use this breakout to measure both the high side voltage and DC current draw over I2C with 1% precision.

Adafruit TMP007 Sensor Breakout – Unlike most of the other temperature sensors we have, this breakout has a really cool IR sensor from TI that can measure the temperature of an object without touching it. The TMP007 is the latest thermopile sensor from TI. The internal math engine does all the temperature calculations so its easier to integrate – you can read the die and target temperatures directly over I2C. The TMP007 also has better transient management, so you don’t get as much over/undershoot when the temperature changes a lot.

Thermocouple – Trying to actually measure the voltage across the wires will be very difficult for most people, which is why we strongly suggest using a thermocouple interface chip. The nicest one we’ve seen so far is called the MAX31855. This easy to solder breakout is available from the store.

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