Friday, October 26, 2018

Raspberry Pi Amateur Radio Digital Clock @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Clocknocase 4mrBSlO4qA

Excellent project from Russell Grokett up on

Amateur Radio Operators (aka HAM Radio) use 24 hour UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) for much of their operation. I decided to build a digital clock using the low-cost TM1637 4-digit displays and a Raspberry Pi Zero W instead of just a GUI clock. (Hardware is fun!)

The TM1637 driven display has four 7-segment LEDs with a center colon “:”between two sets of digits. It requires two wires to drive the display plus 5V+ and Ground for a total of 4 wires.

For this particular project, I wanted the RasPi to get its time from NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers via the Internet. I am planning another version of this clock to run on an Arduino Uno and a real-time clock module, for when no WiFi is available and for more portable operation.

Read more.

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