Friday, May 3, 2019

Commodore Monitor With Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi #RetroComputing

Commodore monitor 1

Via The MagPi:

Over the years, the Raspberry Pi has become a firm favourite among enthusiasts of retro gaming, thanks to its ability to emulate classic computers and consoles from a bygone era. Many use packages such as RetroPie to create machines capable of playing games from multiple systems. These are usually hooked up to the makers’ big-screen televisions.

When Chris Mills decided to emulate the Commodore 64, however, he had smaller ambitions. Inspired by the recently-launched miniature, THEC64 Mini, he set about producing a tinier version of the age-old Commodore 1702 monitor. Or at least he did eventually. “The original idea was to make a small box to hold the monitor and a Raspberry Pi strictly for Commodore emulation,” he says. “I wasn’t really planning on making it quite as elaborate as it turned out to be.”

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