Friday, May 24, 2019

Issue 19 – HackSpace magazine Laser-cut jewellery by @sophywong #Gemma #Adafruit #NeoPixels #Wearables #CircuitPython @HackSpaceMag

The new HackSpace Magazine Issue 19 highlights laser-cut NeoPixel necklaces by Sophy Wong.

Jewellery is meant to be shiny, so it’s the perfect place for multicolor NeoPixel LEDs! The trick is: how to get everything you need for a NeoPixel circuit to fit inside a small piece like a pendant. Enter the laser cutter! Laser cutters are great for precision cuts in materials like thin wood and acrylic. In this project, we’ll use a laser cutter to create a sleek necklace that shines bright with NeoPixels from Adafruit.

We’ll build the necklace in layers with precise cut‑outs to house our electronic components. Our favourite wearable microcontroller, Adafruit’s Gemma M0, will control the NeoPixels, and we’ll write a program in CircuitPython that will make the most of a tiny battery.

You can read Sophy’s full build tutorial in Issue 18 of HackSpace Magazine (PDF pages 100 to 109).

And for another LED necklace, check out this weeks’ creation by Erin St. Blaine in the Adafruit Learning System.


Interested in light up jewellery? See the Adafruit Learning System and let us know your interests in the comments below.


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