Saturday, May 4, 2019

WebTuner: scroll through all open tabs with a rotary dial


A funny idea that turned into a pretty funcional WebTuner. Find your tabs the same way you [used to] pick a radio station!

Shared by Zoé on

I realized I had way too many browser tabs open, and the silly idea came to me; how hard would it be to make a hardware knob to switch between them?

Turns out Native Messaging is a viable way to get data from an USB/serial port into your Firefox extension, which has a nice API to access the tabs.

I created a mount for my thinkpad X220, a knob, picked a rotary encoder and an arduino, and the whole thing was done in an afternoon. Elen wrote the extension, I made the firmware, both of which are very simple.

Learn more and check out the GitHub page for files

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