Wednesday, July 24, 2019

LED Spectroscopy – the light emitted by LEDs #LED #Light #Adafruit #RaspberryPi @bobthechemist

BobTheChemist posts an investigation on the light emitted by certain LEDs using a Mathematica interface to an Ocean Optics spectrometer on a Raspberry Pi.

Above are the spectra of several Adafruit LEDs measured. Black dots are experimental data and colored lines are best fits to skewed normal distributions.

I noticed that not all of the irradiation looks like a “normal” Gaussian shape. I tried fitting each of the spectra to a skewed normal distribution to get the maximum wavelength, the bandwidth and the skewness, which is a measure of how close to a normal distribution the spectrum is.

Here are the measurements for the wavelengths of the Adafruit LEDs shown above (Adafruit product number in parenthesis):

See the entire investigation here.

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