Thursday, December 26, 2019

Reinvented Magazine, Women in STEM: Issue 2 LADIES WHO HACK #ReinventedIssueTwo @reinventedmag @adafruit


Reinvented Magazine, Women in STEM: Issue 2 LADIES WHO HACK arrived today and it features our Ladayada on the cover! Women in STEM – Reinvented Magazine.

Reinvented has a single mission in mind: to reinvent the general perception of women in STEM fields while inspiring interest in STEM for young women nationwide.

Reinvented Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that aspires to break barriers and aid the movement to get more girls involved in STEM by creating the nation’s first print magazine for women in STEM.

Read more. You can subscribe to print for all of 2020, or subscribe to digital. You can also get the second issue featuring our Ladyada “Ladies who Hack” on the cover as a print edition or digital edition.


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