Friday, November 13, 2020

Boo Catcher Coffin #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

via ril3y on instructables

I started this project to teach my daughter to learn python and how to do some woodworking. We all know 2020 COVID19 has really put a strain on normal life. Now that Halloween is upon us and the pandemic situation is not abated enough for us to have a normal Halloween we came up with this. “Booing” is a thing in our area where friends leave treats and ring the doorbell. Kind of like a reverse trick or treating. We came up with having a Halloween prop that would act as a prop and provide proof as to who “Boo’ed” us. (Also we attempt to scare the boo’ers!) We caught quite a few kids “booing us” however I do not have permission to upload their photos to the internet. The videos above volume were set to about 30% for testing however on the week before Halloween we cranked it up to 100% and the kids freaked out! I hope you enjoy our project as much as we did making it. Now onto the Boo Catcher!

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