Friday, December 18, 2020

Plant Tweets When It Needs Water @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

While checking all the electronics stuff I own, I’ve found a soil moisture sensor ( and I decided to use it in a simple project just to refresh my basic Arduino knowledge.

Over at, monur has a fun little project that uses a soil moisture sensor to make a plant tweet if it need water. Here’s more on the project:

I had many ideas to accomplish this and I’m sure this is not the optional solution, but I had some concerns. The simplest solution would be to connect moisture sensor to Raspberry Pi Zero and read the digital trigger when moisture level drops below a certain level. However I wanted to read the moisture level in analog to be able to keep it in a database or IoT cloud. That’s why I needed a ADC converter which I didn’t own. That’s why I used an atTiny85 as an ADC.

So I came up with this solution: Read analog data from moisture sensor using atTiny85, send this value to Raspberry Pi Zero through serial connection so that a python script on Raspberry Pi Zero can save this value to a database and send a tweet. Again, I’m using atTiny85 as a ADC converter cause I don’t own one.

See project!

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