Friday, April 16, 2021

No Such Thing as Junk: A Raspberry Pi Laptop from Discarded Parts @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Nowadays you can buy a whole Raspberry Pi laptop. But if you’re [joekutz], you can also put together a Raspberry Pi laptop  out of what far less discerning folks might call “junk.” But there is no junk. There are only parts that haven’t found a use yet. Here’s more from Hackaday:

The major hurdle that he needed to overcome was how to power both the display and the Pi with the two small battery banks he had on hand. Getting 5V for the Pi was easy enough, but the display requires 8V so he added one lithium ion battery in series (with its own fuse) in order to reach the required voltage. This does make charging slightly difficult but he also has a unique four-pole break-before-make switch on hand which doesn’t exactly simplify things, but it does make the project function without the risk of short-circuiting any of the batteries he used.

See more!

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