Monday, May 24, 2021

Art Against Drones #drone #droneday

Rendering of drone exhibition

Drones are super cool and aid ton of fantastic industries. From research, agriculture, deliveries, just-for-fun…the list goes on. There are also some more nefarious applications of drones, primarily drones for war and surveilance. The artist Sam Durant has created untitled, (drone) to swoop over NYC’s Highline. Via Common Dreams:

In late May, a Predator drone replica, appearing suddenly above the High Line promenade at 30th Street, might seem to scrutinize people below. The “gaze” of the sleek, white sculpture by Sam Durant, called “Untitled, (drone),” in the shape of the U.S. military’s Predator killer drone, will sweep unpredictably over the people below, rotating atop its 25-foot-high steel pole, its direction guided by the wind.

“Untitled (drone)” is meant to animate questions “about the use of drones, surveillance, and targeted killings in places far and near,” said Durant in a statement “and whether as a society we agree with and want to continue these practices.”

Read more!

Welcome to drone day on the Adafruit blog. Every Monday we deliver the latest news, products and more from the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), quadcopter and drone communities. Drones can be used for video & photography (dronies), civil applications, policing, farming, firefighting, military and non-military security work, such as surveillance of pipelines. Previous posts can be found via the #drone tag and our drone / UAV categories.

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