Friday, May 21, 2021

PInstrument #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Using a Raspberry Pi,Expert Sleepers audio interface, and PiTFT, TricksterSam shared their PInstrument GitHub

PInstrument is a set of modules for audio synthesis built in Pure Data designed to run on a small touch screen. Specifically, the interface is designed to work on a 320×240 2.8 inch TFT Capacitive Touchscreen but it will work on any larger screen. The PInstrument is also designed to run on a low-power CPU like those in a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4. It was also designed with a 4in/8out DC-coupled interface to be used with a Eurorack synthesizer. As of 2021, Expert Sleepers produces both the ES-8 and ES-9 that will solve these purposes.

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