Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Users are installing Windows 11 on Raspberry Pi #RaspberryPi #Windows11

In the last day, the interwebs are filling up with reports and videos of users installing Windows 11 preview builds on various non-PC hardware. This is a bit ironic in that the hardware requirements for PCs are quite high – a very modern processor with a trusted platform module (TPM).

Since Microsoft has released an official ARM64 build of Windows 11, it’s not too surprising to see it get ported to the Raspberry Pi 4 or the old Microsoft Lumia 950 XL phone. It’s cool to see users jumping through the hoops to actually make it work.

The non-detailed instructions for doing this are (untested):

How to install Windows 11 to Raspberry Pi 4: do everything the way you would if you were setting up Windows 10 on ARM, but use the Windows 11 ARM64 image instead. Also, use GPT and not MBR since it didn’t work when I tried it (but it could’ve just been by change it didn’t work).

The build appears to be 10.0.22000.51, which is not the version leaked prior to the Win11 announcement. Overclocking is not possible.

For those curious on how this is being done, see the following sites documenting this is possible. Expect additional, more detailed tutorials on the internet shortly and it’ll be interesting to see what Microsoft does.

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