Friday, November 12, 2021

Bullseye bonus: 1.8GHz Raspberry Pi 4 #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Have you heard the exciting news from Raspberry Pi?

Alongside the usual package upgrades that accompany every major Debian release, this provides a more modern composited desktop environment on Raspberry Pi 4 boards with 2GB or more of memory, and retires our legacy display and camera support in favour of KMS and libcamera respectively.

But some of you may have noticed another upgrade. Users with recent Raspberry Pi 4 devices will find that their default turbo-mode clock has increased from 1.5GHz to the 1.8GHz used on Raspberry Pi 400. “Recent” in this case means any 8GB Raspberry Pi 4, or a 2GB or 4GB board with the extra components circled in the image below.

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