Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dominic Bodden Talks Portraits of Westlake with Creative Boom

Creative Boom had a chance to chat about gentrification, family, community & more with illustrator Dominic Bodden:

His most recent project, Portraits of Westlake, hones in on the neighbourhood where he used to live in Los Angeles and looks at how local families and businesses are adapting to the many changes in the community as a result of gentrification. “I was able to do a lot of research for this project which included interviewing my old neighbours and local small business owners,” he says. The portrait of The Market Butcher, for example, was inspired by an interview with the local butcher who was struggling to compete with larger supermarkets. “I used to shop there frequently. I was inspired by the innovative changes that he made to his market to entice new customers and his efforts to preserve the traditional foods and culture that meant so much to his family.”

Read more and see more from Dominic Bodden

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