Tuesday, December 21, 2021

NeoPixel Christmas Tree Lights Controlled by a Raspberry Pi #NeoPixels #RaspberryPi @Raspberry_Pi

A nifty project using a Raspberry Pi and NoePixel LED strands:

Parts Needed for the Project:

  • Raspberry Pi is a small computer that runs on the (I am using a Zero V2 however any Pi with WiFi will work)
  • String of NeoPixels (I am using 5×50 strings joined together)
  • 5 volt power supply (make sure it has a high enough power output for the number of LEDs you have, I am using multiple USB chargers I had around the house)
  • Green electrical tape (in quantity) (used to hide the red, green and white wires on the lights)
  • To put it all together, you’ll need a case.

Read more on the MakerGenix Shop

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