Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Search for palindromes with an Arduino #Arduino #ArtTuesday

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or even the conjunction of both words and numbers, that has the particularity of being read the same backwards and forward. Palindromes date back to 70AD when they were found in a graffiti in an ancient city called Herculaneum which was destroyed due to a volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Palindromes can be found in test strings programmatically. Pedro Loureiro finds them in JavaScript in a wonderful article.

Rob Tillaart does the same using an Arduino Uno.

The palindrome library can test if a string is a palindrome and is able to find the longest palindrome within a character string.

The library is tested with an Arduino UNO, random string of 1600 characters. See more on GitHub.

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